Join us against a proposed AT&T 100 foot tower across our street

AT&T’s proposed monoelm cell tower red flags 7 of 9 National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) environmental screening criterion and directly violates 2021 expert agency US Fish & Wildlife - Migratory Bird Program guidelines of where not to put up a cell tower. Our injured and recovering animals would be sitting ducks in the tower’s highest radiation zone just 250 feet away as well as the electrical fields of the mega watts facility extending hundreds of feet.

We have successfully denounced Tilson Technology Management, AT&T’s developer, to the FCC for evading their mandatory NEPA environmental review and have embroiled them in NEPA proceedings at the FCC since March 2022. The FCC has sided with us procedurally so far but determinations on the substantive issues have yet to happen. A kindergarten sits only 700 feet away. The US Fish and Wildlife lists within a 1 mile radius 6 critical wetland habitats that concentrate migratory birds and 21 endangered and threatened species including bald and golden eagles, rare desert vegetation, and a near extinct Arizonan toad, all extremely vulnerable biologically to bio-engineered man made radiation.

Read more about our NEPA case at the FCC and the biological effects of man made radio frequency microwave radiation below.


Why our NEPA Oak Creek Case matters

If we win, we safeguard the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) protections we Americans still have. If we lose and the FCC goes through with this monster AT&T tower that triggers 7 out of 9 red flags under NEPA and NHPA, precedent for placing towers in or near wildlife areas will be set everywhere. This, we can’t let happen and especially not now.

Cell tower developers are aggressively and willy nilly rolling out 4G LTE and 5G communications infrastructure in rural areas in a mad gold rush. Local governments wrongly believe “their hands are tied” and cunning companies threaten lawsuits to scare them into compliance with their agenda. But localities do have power. and some legal muscle.

Local governments under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 have a finite measure of control over placement, construction and modification under Title 47 §332 (c). Local goverment can also use protections under NEPA and NHPA to plan and zone wireless infrastructure away from wildlife, wetlands, areas of bird concentration, schools, homes for the elderly, or “low EMF” zones to provide sanctuary from the growing public health crisis of radiation sickness, a recognized disability. All towers are federal actions that must undergo National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) compliance. Local governments can require evidence of compliance from every cell tower applicant. They can step up as the gate keepers, planning a responsible and efficient communications infrastructure for their communities.

Instead, we residents are called at this time to fill their vacuum. Yavapai County’s short sighted planning allowed for inefficient and dangerous wireless infrastructure at the bottom of a narrow riparian valley next to a kindergarten and right up against wetlands that shelter 21 endangered species and many other wildlife, with radiation centers beaming in 55% of its radius at canyon ridges and land void of human habitation. They falsely claimed in their permitting letter that Tilson Technology Management was fully FCC compliant when Tilson was demonstrably not compliant with NEPA and NHPA.

Why Wildlife and Flora are Canaries in the Mine

All biological life is evolutionary primed to attune to the earth’s low levels of natural ground and atmospheric electromagnetic frequency radiation such as the Schumann Resonances and the spectrum of light from our sun star. The hollow bones of birds are configured to pull in the earth’s low level radiation signals so they can GPS ancestral migratory routes and locate water sources. Insects’ tiny antennas and body parts full of conductive magnetite are mini receivers allowing them to communicate with the electromagnetic fields of plants, forage for food, and do their work for all of us as pollinators. The habitat of air - the only atmosphere we have - is biophysically an electrical habitat. Electrical storms are proof enough. All of biological life uses electro-magnetic energy and the information natural radiation carries to thrive and survive. “Electro magnetic fields” and “Radio Frequencies” are engineering terms for one same natural phenomenon, radiation.

When a cell tower begins operations, a surge of artificial and bio-engineered microwave radiation pumps with great directional force into the surrounding atmosphere for miles and carries on day after day, fluctuating in intensity according to cell phone and “smart” technology (cars!) demand. The natural properties of the habitat of air are immediately and permanently modified. Man made radio frequency microwave radiation pulses, arrays (i.e. signals stack on timers), introduces square waves loaded with data bits, all of which interferes and competes with the natural data essential for healthy biology carried by the natural radio frequencies of the Earth and all living things, including us humans.

Wildlife and plants are the first to register these bio-physical changes and to experience biological confusion. Even though engineers do their best to bioengineer frequencies to avoid humans going into biophysical resonance with ever miniaturizing 4G LTE and 5G millimeter wavelengths, insects and birds are not on their radar. These creatures match in body part or body size those wavelengths and easily go into full or part resonance with artificial RF microwave radiation. They implode or asphyxiate instantly. Insect populations are down by 94% since the end of the 20th century and thousands of birds routinely fall out of the skies along communications corridors and it’s not the “avian flu.”

Resources and Education for Communities (being built)

For a concise overview of our case and links to all critical documents, go to this article about our fight in The Defender.

For the FCC Environmental Assessment checklist communities can use to submit, via Freedom of Information Acts or directly to the FCC, requests for proof of NEPA compliance and/or requests for environmental reviews, see FCC Environmental Assessment Checklist for Developers.

For a wealth of information on how to use NEPA to oppose towers from a Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation emissions standpoint, go to Scientists for Wired Technology.

To read the landmark 2019 ruling in Keetowah, The Nature Defense Council et al vs the FCC, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile that safeguarded and strengthened Tribal rights over placement of wireless infrastructure in areas of cultural and ceremonial significance to Tribes, including protection of “land vistas”, see Keetowah vs. FCC.

To read the landmark 2021 ruling in Environmental Health Trust (EHT), Children’s Health Defense (CHD) et al vs the FCC and USA that established the “capricious and arbitrary” incompleteness of the current and only RF microwave radiation “safety guideline” in effect at the FCC dating to 1996, see EHT et al vs. FCC.

Keep checking in as we link to more resources. Thank you for your interest and support.